Your breakfast starts in the Mill where we stone grind Tennessee grown, USDA Gertified Organic wheat and corn into flour and meal. We then deliver them to our kitchen, where we add buttermilk, fresh eggs - and a few other secret ingredients - to make the batter for our golden whole-wheat pancakes and corncakes.
The Eatery at the Readyville Mill is open every Saturday morning from 8:00 A.M. to 12:30. Reservations are not required but are appreciated.
The gift shop is open until 1:00 P.M.
For more information or to make a reservation please call (615) 563-MILL (6455).
The Readyville Eatery
Breakfast Menu
Whole-Wheat Banana Pancakes
Whole-Wheat Blueberry Pancakes
Whole-Wheat Pancakes
Blueberry Corn Cake
Banana Corn Cakes
Golden Stone-Ground Corn Cakes
Regina's Whole-Wheat Biscuits and Readyville Gravy
Short Stack for the Little Ones (8 years old and under)
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